Best Block Parties Ever

Published on 2 September 2024 at 15:34

Growing up in Vegas, I couldn't tell there wasn't a whole lot to do if you were below the age of 21. There definitely is a lot of Casinos and things but we still managed to have ALOT of fun. I remember going to Excalibur shows, Mandalay Bay Aquarium and M&M World, there was buffets and Kids Zone. 

The most fun I had though, was during our LEGENDARY block Parties that happened every year. Everyone on our block  participated and made it a night to remember whether it was 4th of July or Halloween. Someone was always BBQing or had food to share, and there was always seasonal festivities!

        I spent most of my childhood in Henderson, Nevada. Every year for all the big time holidays our cul-de-sac would shut down on each end. All of my neighbors would deck out their houses, garages, lawns, and some even made mazes through out their backyard! I couldn't possibly forget all the cool things that we did. Every Fourth of July and Halloween, was an all out block party ordeal where everyone was involved involved in.

        The last year that I remember for Halloween, we had a THE BEST block party. Some people brought out their BBQ's, tables and chairs, other people had a big bouncy house for all the smaller children to play in. Further down the street on both ends there were Haunted Houses, Haunted Garages, Clown Mazes, Gorilla Suit  Guy, we even had a Costume contest AND I won 3rd place!

       I remember our old block quite fondly around Halloween time because everybody always went ALL OUT, yards and porches decorated to the nines, we even had these neighbors who put on a show every year. These two neighbors both worked in tech I believe, so they knew how to program animatronics and things of that nature. Well, they both were also good with carpentry and building because they both built pirate ships on top of their houses!

       At first, the pirate ships were just the pirates, doing piratey things on top of the house. Then the next year, they added voices and acting and dialogue and made it more of a show. The third year, which was the year of the great block party, they added cannons to both sides and made it like an all out war between the ships. It was literally one of the coolest things I experienced as a kid. 

      All this to say, that I grew into the type of Bonus-Parent that wants to give my kiddo the coolest Halloween experiences just like I had. I can see that he craves all of that wonder and spooky thrill! Like, if I had a car, I would love to participate in a Trunk-or-Treat so that I can decorate the back of my car to look like a Big Ghost or Skeleton Head. They have Kits at Target for like $20! I have always loved participating in Halloween Shenanigans like Haunted Backyards, Houses, decorating Garages to look like Spooky Graveyards with Fog Machines and Tombstones. I cannot wait to be able to decorate my porch this year like how we did when I was a kid. 

       One year, We had a big blow up entryway with spooky music and lights, we draped the garage in black tarps and even had a fog machine. My mom had us all dress up in black and she changed all the bulbs to black light so you really could see anyone. I think we painted our faces and hands white but the thing I do remember is the table at the back of the little graveyard that we created. We had an animated candy bowl that would grab your hand as you went for it. We always took decorating for Halloween very seriously and i hope to continue to carry that on with my little family.

     If you've gotten this far I must have done something right. I'll be honest all of this is a new venture for me, but I figure, I have to be my own supporter first in order to succeed. I want to use this website to talk about all the things my family used to do around the holidays and talk about decor and help people find their "Festive Flair", you can find a link to that page somewhere around here . I genuinely love seasonal decor in all the ways and love planning for dinner parties and birthdays or holiday parties too, and it all has to do with how I grew up in my youngest years. I will be adding new things to this blog weekly, around my work schedule and have been adding things to my marketplace daily, with larger drops throughout the week.

You can Follow Me on TikTok for updates to Festive Flair as well @kai_guy95, the Link for my Festive Flair shop is in my Bio there!




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